Monthly Archives: December 2020

Belfast Mortgage Broker’s Top Personal Finance Tips for Young Adults

8 Essential Personal Finance Young Adults Tips By Money Experts

Unfortunately, most high schools, colleges, or universities do not require their students to study personal finance. The lack of basic financial education of young adults leaves them clueless about handling their money, getting or staying out of crippling debt, and applying for credit. To help people get started, we will take a look at some of the most vital things to understand when it comes to handling money. These tips and tricks for young adults are designed to help them live their best financial life.

Learn to self-control

If you are lucky, your mother or father taught you how to handle your finances when you were a kid properly. If your parents didn’t teach you these skills, make sure to keep in mind that the sooner young adults learn the art of postponing gratification, the sooner they will find it a lot easier to keep the finances in order. 

How to be financially independent? Check out this site for more details.

Although people can buy items on credit without any problems if they really want it, it is better to wait until they have actually saved more money. Do you want to pay a huge interest rate for a pair of shoes or a liter of orange juice? If people make a habit of putting their purchases on credit cards, whether they can pay their bills in full every month, they might still be paying the interest for these items in ten years. 

If individuals want to keep their credit cards for their convenience or the rewards the banks are offering when using the card, make sure to pay the balance in full when the bank statement arrives, and do not carry more credit cards than you can track of. This tip is essential when creating a healthy future for people’s credit history.

Take control of your financial future

If people do not learn how to manage their own finances, other individuals will find ways to manage or mismanage the money for them. Some people may be ill-intentioned, like fraudulent commission-based financial “experts” or planners. Others may have their client’s well-being in mind, but they may not know what they are doing. 

Check out for more information about money management.

Instead of relying on professionals for advice, read a few articles on the Internet, books, or magazines on personal finance. Once you know the basics of personal finance, do not let other people catch you off guard – whether it is a family member that can slowly siphon money on your bank account or a friend who wants t blow tons of your money every weekend. 

Top Financial Management Tips for Young Adults

Know where the money goes

Once individuals have gone through some personal finance readings, they will realize how valuable it is to make sure their expenses do not exceed their income. The best and most effective way of doing this is to budget their finances properly. Once they see their morning Starbucks coffee adds up over a year, they will realize that making manageable and small changes in their everyday expenses can significantly impact their financial situation, just like getting a raise in their salary. 

Not only that, keeping their recurring monthly expenses as low as possible will save them a lot of money over time. If they do not waste their hard-earned salary on a big apartment now, they might be able to afford a decent house or a beautiful condominium unit before they know it.

Start emergency funds

When it comes to personal finance, one mantra is always repeated by people involved in this industry, like anchor Crawford Mulholland: “Pay yourself first.” No matter how much people owe in their credit card debt or student loans, and no matter how low their salary may seem, it is wise to find an amount in their budget they can save for emergency use every month. 

Saving a percentage of their monthly salary for emergency use can keep people out of trouble financially. Not only that, it can help them to have peace of mind and sleep better every night. If people get into the habit of setting aside a portion of their salary as savings and treating it as a non-negotiable expense, they will have more than just an emergency fund saved up sooner or later. 

They will have a vacation or retirement money, even cash for a down payment on their dream home. But remember not just to put these funds under the mattress’ make sure to put it on an online savings accounts with a high-interest rate. Otherwise, economic inflation will erode the value of their savings.

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